Friday, May 31, 2013

"And Down the Rabbit Hole she Fell...": A Thought and a Question?

So, it's been a while on the blog, I'll admit... And I have to be ever so careful sometimes what I put out on the web for the world to see.
But I do have one question to pose...

I've been seeing lots of stories and news articles lately about the world's events: i.e., BSA's inclusion of homosexual members, Marriage equality, Government sequestration, growing unemployment, Growing debt crisis, etc. And many of the articles I've seen, on certain websites or news organizations, at least some of the ones I read - I will admit, are of a more religious nature - have all approached the issues the same way... There's always some big-whig who thinks he has all the answers claiming this particular stance or that particular stance. Every article its always somebody else and there's always a dire issue. But no matter who it is, their end message is always the same: "The Moral Decline of Culture and America". And no matter what the issue really is, it's always a detriment to the moral compass of our nation. And we are slowly "killing and compromising our morals." In essence, the world is going just going to pot!

I'll admit, I sometimes grow tired of reading and hearing all the hub-bub about it. I mean, really, if after all it all ends the same, so why do I need to concern myself with it....?

Well, as I've thought over these things recently, a question has lodged itself in my brain. And it won't go away. Every time I read an article of this nature, its slapping me in the face... Every time I hear someone tout a moral message of America, I can't help but think it.... "Who decides that our morals are declining? How do we really judge that our world is in moral decay?"

I mean when you consider the history of the entire world... Why is it just now in the 20th and 21st centuries that we have decided that our morals are decaying? That we are somehow worse now, than we were say 500 or 600 years ago? Or 1000 or 2000 years ago? Who judges that? And what is the litmus test for it?

This isn't simply a post for pondering today... Perhaps I should rename the blog "Questions from the Thinking Chair." In any case, I am curious your thoughts....

Are we as a nation, culture in a downward spiral of moral decay? And if so, How do we judge it? And if so, when will we hit the bottom? Will we hit the bottom? And what happens then?

Questions, questions fill my head....
