Wednesday, March 23, 2011


This is an interesting subject to me. I've had friends for years telling me that I need to "blog". I would throw off the idea with a smirk of, "Are you kidding me?" I mean after all, is my life so important that someone would want to "follow" me, know my whereabouts, or how about even care what I think about a particular thought or ideology?

So, there I sat... Going through my days a lowly guitar playing, Dr. Pepper drinking, sometimes likes to engage in debate dude who explores the vast expanse of the ever-changing realm we call the World Wide Web.

Oh, I enjoy reading other thoughts and commentaries on other people's blogs and such, but could I think well enough to expound on my thoughts to become a "blogger"?

And then one day recently, it happened. I was sitting in my office (during some free time - which doesn't happen often) reading some post responses to an article I had read on a blog I frequently read. A passerby stopped abruptly in my office door and burst out into laughter. Apparently, I was so caught up in my debate from reading, I was verbally speaking my thoughts back to my computer screen. We had a quick laugh and as I, slightly red-faced, stood up to shut my office door, this person mentioned I should perhaps put my thoughts in writing....

So, here I sit... writing (nay TYPING) my first thoughts for my FIRST blog entry.

And you know what? It really wasn't so bad. Not really scary at all.
Interesting? Well... that's for others to decide.

But for now, I think I will call it a post.

These are simply my thoughts from the thinking chair....


the daily crumb said...

looking forward to hearing more thoughts! awesome blog!

Jud said...

Glad you're doing this...awesome!