Monday, June 27, 2011

Questions about God, Islands, and Potato Chips

In certain Christian circles recently, there’s been a lot of talk revolving around God and Hell, and why He would or could, or possibly do or what it would end up being like or how we....

Well, I’ve tried to keep my ideas and thoughts to myself... But apparently writing a book on God and Hell will make you a millionaire over night... (Maybe I should I write a book on that...)

There are lots of questions out there... And some people, for some reason, feel the need to try and answer them all... I have many questions at any point of any given day... For instance right now these questions are: What the heck WAS the Island? Why do they still make sour cream and onion potato chips? Why, for the life of me, can I not eat red meat without A-1 sauce? These are just a few of the questions I ponder from time to time...

And yet there are still others... And I know I will not be able to answer some (if not most) of these questions... But I still wonder why, or if we ever can, come to a point where we say, “Somethings concerning God are just going to be a mystery.” I mean, really... I see many things when I read the Bible... 1. I see a God who is bigger than me and who’s thoughts are bigger than my thoughts. A God who is Infinite... I mean, I can’t really even begin to understand infinite, even if I wanted too.
And 2: As I read my Bible, I see also, this God, always has a plan. And that plan is so much bigger and grander than my finite imagination can ever understand. And I think, that is what leads to so much mystery... And thus, also leads to the beauty of it all.

So talk and speculate all you want to about God and Hell and how things might be.... Jibber Jabber all you want about this and that and what God might be thinking....
But, I’m going to rest in that fact that God is who He is... He will do what He wants, when He wants, and with however and whatever means He wants to do it. I mean, really... When was the last time you spoke into darkness and created anything?? (anyone???)

Hmm... Amazing.

All I know is that at some point, this God saw fit to look upon man and decide that Man was worth something to Him. God then decided to pursue that Man relentlessly... And yet for some reason, Man still wants to figure it all out and ask questions.

And maybe questions aren’t all bad... Maybe some questions should be asked in an attempt to understand and become better people. But in the end just remember, it was just one question that got Man in this whole predicament to begin with....

2 comments: said...

I like how you think!

Anonymous said...

We, for some strange reason, want to make God human, thinking we can reason and understand Him on our terms. We can't leave things alone. We will never, NEVER know God fully. He doesn't expect or want us to. So just leave it alone. He will let us know what He wants us to know, or what He knows we can understand about Him. Do we tell a 3 year old everything? No we only tell them what they can understand. Yet there is so much more. Enjoy, respect, and appreciate that God is so great that we will never, NEVER fully understand Him. Isn't it a wonderful thing that there is One who can do so much that loves me and promises to take care of me. Just trust Him is all He asks. Leave it and know that He will because He can. Why do we need to know more?